Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Mexico Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Mexico - Term Paper Example Small pox, unknowingly brought in by the Spaniards, ravaged the Aztec Empire killing millions including the ruling Emperor. It confirmed the victory of Cortes and under him the Spanish invaded the territory and ruled it as the Viceroyalty of New Spain. This is what would become Mexico later on. The Spanish rule continued in Mexico for the next 300 years till 1810 when the Mexicans led their first revolution to freedom which they gained in 1821. The colonial Spanish rule witnessed territorial expansion across a huge part of Central America and a lot of it to the south and west of what is now the United States. Trade and commerce swelled and the time saw a flourishing mining, textile, and agrarian economy. There was large scale religious conversion to Roman Catholicism. However, by early nineteenth century resentment simmered among the locals and set the tempo for a revolution. Independence. Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla and Jose Maria Morelos were the main protagonists of the revolution. Both of them led successful run-ins one after the other but were executed: Costilla was executed by the firing squad in 1811 and Morelos was captured and shot in 1815. However, the struggle for independence did not slack momentum and continued under the Creole colonel Agustin de Iturbide. In 1821 the independence of Mexico was officially recognized after Iturbide along with representatives of the Spanish crown signed the Treaty of Cordoba and the Declaration of Independence of the Mexican Empire. Iturbide declared himself emperor of the First Mexican Empire. He was overthrown in 1823 and the United Mexican States was formed. Forms of Government. The military rule ended thus with the United Mexican States being declared a federal republic and Guadalupe Victoria becoming the first President of the newly formed country in 1824. However, this was not the beginning of an organized era. The country was steeped in turmoil of many a kind. In 1836 General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, a rebel general and dictator, suspended the 1824 Constitution and a civil war ensued. His radical reforms dissolved republicanism and institutionalized the centralized form of government. The landmark event that followed was the Mexican-U.S. war in which Mexico lost Texas, California, and New Mexico to the U. S. Close at heels were Native American revolts and a series of reforms which brought back the federal form of government. In 1861 the Liberals won and the country was led by President Benito Juarez. He is worth a mention because the country underwent drastic democratic and economic reforms and cessation of Church powers. However, chaos set in soon imposed by the monarchy of Austrian Archduke Maximilian who declared himself Emperor in 1864. He was executed by the Liberal forces under Juarez who continued his term of presidency till 1872. Juarez period is also termed Restoration of the Republic. Weak governments followed. The next noteworthy period was the presidency of the authoritaria n general Porfirio Diaz who ruled most of the years between 1877 and 1911. The military dictatorship of Porfirio went well with Mexico that saw phenomenal economic reforms and progress in science and art. But his political repression snowballed into yet another revolution in 1910 which continued till 1920. The significant leaders who paced through the turbulence include Francisco
Monday, October 28, 2019
I am analyzing a transcript of Jamie’s Dream School Series1 and will be identifying and evaluating language features used Essay Example for Free
I am analyzing a transcript of Jamie’s Dream School Series1 and will be identifying and evaluating language features used Essay I am analyzing a transcript of Jamie’s Dream School Series1 and will be identifying and evaluating language features used Starkey is a teacher and is in a position of authority and has a preconceived notion his students are not serious as such, sees the need to drive home a few key facts which includes the reason for their being in school. He does this by laying emphasis on repetitive pronouns e.g. ‘you’, ‘you’ve’ as he draws into the conversation. Connor interrupts and thus overlaps Starkey by saying â€Å"yeah right’ in response to Starkey’s comment on some animals being faster. Starkey finds this rude and considering his position of authority and preconceived notion of the students not being particularly bright, he responds in an equally insultive manner stating Connor was fat and couldn’t really move. At the point, the conversation changes from formal to informal and he uses ‘you’re†This sparks overlapping laughter and noise from the rest of the class. Connor takes it personal and uses colloquial/slang language ‘yeah’ and ‘man’ in his response and further insults Starkey who uses courtesy items in response â€Å"Yes // now// right in an attempt to change the conversation from informal back to formal and overlaps and repeats by stuttering nervously ‘this is, this is, this is†and â€Å"persona, persona†Connor maintains an informal note as evidenced in his use of contractions and informal words e.g. â€Å"shit†, I’ll†, â€Å"mate†, and â€Å"don’t†. and use of a false start â€Å"don’t start, alright don’t start at all†because he’s clearly upset. Starkey then remarks ‘problem there are wi wi with Jamie’s food they’ll be, lots of dieting opportunities now’. It seems Starkey repeats words when upset. Again here, he’s used â€Å"wi wi†and a contraction â€Å"they’ll†indicates an informal tone. The conversation is still informal because Connor uses ’you’re†IT’S, and addresses Starkey as ’mate’ AND A HEDGE â€Å"d’ya†. He also sarcastic by using polite words â€Å"May I ask’ and immediately follows it by asking if Starkey has always been 4 feet tall. Starkey maintains a sarcastic note by replying ‘from the age of thirteen. This transcript started off on a formal note but turned out to be mainly informal. Connor’s final response :Okay†brings the conversation back to a forma note
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Role of Labor in American History Essay -- Labor Historical US Ess
This brief history of more than 100 years of the modern trade union movement in the United States can only touch the high spots of activity and identify the principal trends of a "century of achievement." In such a condensation of history, episodes of importance and of great human drama must necessarily be discussed far too briefly, or in some cases relegated to a mere mention. What is clearly evident, however, is that the working people of America have had to unite in struggle to achieve the gains that they have accumulated during this century. Improvements did not come easily. Organizing unions, winning the right to representation, using the collective bargaining process as the core of their activities, struggling against bias and discrimination, the working men and women of America have built a trade union movement of formidable proportions. Labor in America has correctly been described as a stabilizing force in the national economy and a bulwark of our democratic society. Furthermore, the gains that unions have been able to achieve have brought benefits, direct and indirect, to the public as a whole. It was labor, for example, that spearheaded the drive for public education for every child. The labor movement, indeed, has served as a force for American progress. American Labor's Second Century Now, in the 1980s, as the American trade union movement looks toward its second century, it takes pride in its first "century of achievement" as it recognizes a substantial list of goals yet to be achieved. In this past century, American labor has played a central role in the elevation of the American standard of living. The benefits which unions have negotiated for their members are, in most cases, widespread in the eco... ...en excluded from the legal protections afforded to most workers in industry and commerce. Suffering from low pay, abominable temporary housing, lack of access to decent schools for their children, and often deprived of adequate medical care or safety protection measures, the migrant farm workers have been too often the "forgotten people" of the American economy. In recent years, the Farm Workers union-in the face of great difficulties-has been able to organize some of them, principally in California, and bring them the benefits of collective bargaining. Public response, in the form of consumer boycotts of grapes and lettuce at various times, has helped their cause. The beginnings of legislation, both federal and state, and attention to their plight in the press and on television, have brought some relief to the farm workers. But much remains to be done.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Learning Team C’s Weekly Summary Essay
During week 4 there were a bunch of discussions about organizational culture and how it was beneficial as well as how it can be a liability. Organizational culture could benefit an organization in many of ways; one way that it would benefit an organization is that it would allow its employees to be able to voice their opinions. They will not have to feel as if they aren’t apart of the organization. A liability would be that an organization may become institutionalized. Another topic that was discussed during the week was organizational structure and power and politics. Organizational structure is very beneficial to how things get done within an organization. By making sure that everyone has and role and knows what that role is then the organization can run smoothly. This in turn has a huge effect on employee behavior. I think that organizational structure has a huge effect on the morale of the company as well as the way employees are treated and how they do their jobs. Let’s say for example that the entry level employees at a company are doing all the work. They then turn that work into the managers who in turn submit it to the executive board. The board then gives praise to the managers and never acknowledges the employees who really did all the work. This can cause low morale. Not only can this cause low morale but it also overlooks and treats its entry level employees poorly. A way to combat this would be organizational structure. When it is clear from the bottom up who does what in the company then those who do all the leg work get recognized for the hard work that they do. These employees no longer feel as if they are unimportant within the company and they do their jobs better and at the end of the day they are treated with the respect that they deserve and they perform better at the job. Organizational Culture is the collective behavior of people that are part of an organization and includes the meanings of their actions while being part of that organization. this includes the values, visions, norms, working language, systems, symbols, beliefs and habits. It has a large impact on behavior. It could either have a positive impact or negative impact dependent on how the leadership uses culture in a corporation. If the culture is applied equally to the differences of those in the company it could help those of different backgrounds work with positive experiences. If a leader applies a cultural style that they adopted from another company it could work one of two ways. It could be effective and actually cause workers to work more effectively and with positive attitudes or it could bring down the overall morale of the company in how they work together and how they can cooperate with the leadership styles. Overall behavior is dependent on the effectiveness of the application of culture in the workplace. Power and Politics are necessary influences in most organizations today. Power is not a necessary evil and is most often contained within the position of authority. Politics is a little harder to describe. People often see it when an individual is attempting to influence a decision or position within an organization without a formal role or authority. In this paper I will analyze an organizational management and leadership practices that impact organizations. I will also provide a couple real-world examples of the relationships between power and politics and how this relates to management and leadership practices. This week in chapter 13 we learned about the influence of power and politics on behavior in the work place. Power is the capacity to influence behavior in accordance to ones wishes. To have the capacity to control human life you must control what they desire and ofcourse we know what that is, money. It’s the best control method there is. If you don’t listen you and your family will be starving on the street and you will lose your job. Seems like a pretty good control method to me. So basically chapter 13 confirms that money is power. Next it goes over the bases of power for example Formal Power is based on ones position in the actual organization. Coercive Power which is the power destroy threaten inflict pain and ruin peoples lives if the don’t listen to you, it’s a great form of power, probably the best. Reward Power which is the exact opposite Coercive Power because it is actually positive and rewards the employee instead of treating them as if they were a wage slave, it’s seldom used in our economy anymore but granted it’s still out there. Legitimate Power is in my best description just â€Å"raw†power. And Expert Power man if your an expert and you got those special wizard skills your a real expert you have some expert power. So which bases of power are the most effective? Hell well it depends on the group of humans you have available to reign over and control, it’s all about personality. And that is why we like to tap into their minds and find out what makes them tick, what’s important to them so we can use it as leverage etc. In the end it was a very good lesson and chap ter about power and exerting it. Chapter 15 discusses the foundations of organization structure. Organizational structure is how jobs are formally divided or grouped. There are six elements that compose the organizational structure, work specialization, departmentalization, chain of command, centralization and formalization. The three common organizational designs are simple structure, which use a low degree of departmentalization, bureaucracy and matrix structure. A bureaucracy shows distinct characteristics such has routine operating task, formalized rules, tasks are broken-up and grouped by specific departments, centralized command and little control. Unlike the bureaucracy, the matrix structure uses two forms of departmentalization, the functional and the product. They use a dual chain of command and at times this type of command can lead to power struggles. Now-a-days new design options are available and decrease the amount of management that is found in the bureaucracy and the matrix structure. The virtual organization outsources many of the functions therefore one would find more centralization and less departmentalization. The boundaryless organizations want less chain of command and more team decision making. Organizational structures are classified as mechanistic, formalized and departmentalized, or organic, not very formally with high participation in decision making. Employee behavior can be impacted by the way that the organization is structure. For example, while work specialization can result in high productivities it does not necessarily have a high impact on an employee’s satisfaction. During week four chapter 16 was reviewed as well covering several key terms including organizational culture(s), subcultures, core values, organizational climate, institutionalization, socialization, rituals, material symbols, and workplace spirituality. However, as educational as chapter 16 was it did not provide any information that was difficult to understand. Furthermore, organizational culture was the term that made the most sense as it describes the way employees view an organization. This descriptive term is what sets one organization apart from the rest from an employee point of view. As a small business owner I need to be aware of how individuals view the quality of my work, and professionalism of my business. This will help me gain the attractiveness I may one day need if the time comes to hire employees.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
BLENZ Coffee case study Essay
BLENZ Company Profile BLENZ Coffee is a Canadian chain of franchise coffee shops. BLENZ was founded in Vancouver in 1992, and has grown to over 82 franchises in six countries. Presently the majority of locations are located in British Columbia, with 35 international stores in the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, the Philippines, China and Japan. BLENZ is primarily a coffee shop, but also serves a variety of hot and cold beverages, desserts, and assorted food items such as wraps and sandwiches. BLENZ SWOT Analysis Strengths: Extensive beverage menu Large food and dessert selection compared to competition Free Internet at 41 coffee house locations Talented baristas (coffee-maker, waiters) Quality coffee bean and teas Canadian-ownership Innovative beverage development Large coffee houses Alternative to brand leader Consistency Weaknesses: No clear brand direction No clear values or mission Mixed messaging, too many claims Contradictory aspirations No consistent communication tone, language, manner No consistent communication imagery, typography, design Less consistency across outlets compared to competitors Less focused on experience Unknown company history and background Franchisee-operated Opportunities: Showcase largest menu of most coffee houses Increase awareness of frequent innovative drinks Emphasize talented and award-winning baristas Canadian owned and operated (started in Vancouver) Alternative to global coffee house chains, something different Consistent experience of a chain, with the atmosphere of a local cafe A lot of action at coffee houses Threats Competition from better-known coffee houses Coffee houses with better locations Competing coffee houses companies with higher quality products Competing coffee houses companies with higher perceived quality Competing coffee house companies with higher perceived status Independent coffee houses Chain coffee houses Inexpensive coffee houses Instant coffee or complimentary coffee at work or businesses Cafes with larger menu selection Status in middle ground between brand leader and independent cafes People making coffee and beverages at home There are many reasons for BLENZ Coffee’s success so far; and this comes from their will to have convenient locations for the Customer. Moreover, their products are of the highest quality and their service continues to bring people back. BLENZ’s History BLENZ COFFEE opened its first store in February 1992 on the corner of Robson and Bute Street in Vancouver, British Columbia. The first BLENZ store was to be a testing ground to ensure that the concept and systems were strong enough to grow and compete with other international chains. The founders of BLENZ COFFEE are Brian Noble, Sarah Moen and Geoffrey Hair, each bringing his own personal strengths and combined bringing a wealth of business experience to BLENZ COFFEE. The success of BLENZ COFFEE’S first store and the founders’ commitment to education and standards made franchising a natural choice. Today BLENZ now has 61 stores in British Columbia and also operates internationally in Japan and the Philippines. BLENZ’s Philosophy BLENZ COFFEE is a premium retailer of hand-crafted coffees, whole leaf teas, Belgian hot chocolate and other innovative and delicious specialty beverages. From the start, the founders of BLENZ COFFEE have always had a passion for quality. This passion is reflected in our commitment to using only authentic, premium ingredients in their beverages. All BLENZ beverages are made in-store from only the highest quality ingredients available. It is this commitment to serving quality beverages, prepared with care and attention by their highly trained baristas, in a warm and contemporary environment that has fuelled BLENZ COFFEE’S growth from its inception. BLENZ’s Products BLENZ COFFEE are retailers of high quality whole bean coffees, beautiful whole leaf organic teas and premium Belgian chocolate beverages to name but just a few of their product offerings. They are known as experts at authentic preparation methods and handmade beverages. They are not just purveyors of exciting and innovative beverages; they also offer a fabulous selection of baked goods, breakfast, lunch and snacks, among other delicious treats to tempt Customers. BLENZ: How to feel concerned by future They are aware of this fact which is that today’s world could not be more uncertain. Unemployment continues to rise; the stock market continues to fall. BLENZ take control of the future of unemployed valuable people, with their career opportunities. BLENZ: How to feel concerned by Canadian’s lifestyle Even in the face of economic uncertainty, consumers still demand their favourite affordable luxuries like premium coffee and tea. Canada’s coffee market is a $3 Billion Dollar industry. Coffee is still the most popular beverage in Canada – and second only to water, of all beverages consumed among adults 25 and older. And quality teas, are also rapidly gaining in popularity. BLENZ premium coffees and teas are second to none. They give people their chance to seize the opportunity to enjoy their lifestyle and profits with a successful BLENZ COFFEE franchise. BLENZ: How to combine Career Opportunities and Safety Fulfil your long held dream to own your own business, and really be the Boss – without all the trial and error that goes into a new business venture. BLENZ helps you manage the risks and become a leader in your local business community. BLENZ COFFEE shops are known as fun, and fast paced social environments. They’re also a secure training ground for children to gain self-reliance and pride as young entrepreneurs. BLENZ: The will of being everywhere BLENZ has opportunities in both established and new markets they are making available for the first time. You can develop one store. Or you may wish to be considered for an Area Development opportunity to open several stores in a Territory. Typical stores costs range from $225,000 to $400,000, depending on store size. BLENZ: Festival & Events partner Vancouver Film Festival Fringe Festival BLENZ & Harbour Cruises BLENZ & The Beat 94.5FM Matcha Photo Contest
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Jimmy Carter - 39th President of the United States
Jimmy Carter - 39th President of the United States Jimmy Carters Childhood and Education: James Earl Carter was born on October 1, 1924 in Plains, Georgia. He grew up in Archery, Georgia. His father was a local public official. Jimmy grew up working in the fields to help bring in money. He attended public schools in Plains, Georgia. After high school, he attended Georgia Institute of Technology before being accepted into the U.S. Naval Academy in 1943 from which he graduated in 1946. Family Ties: Carter was the son of James Earl Carter, Sr., a farmer and public official and Bessie Lillian Gordy, a Peace Corps volunteer. He had two sisters, Gloria and Ruth, and a brother, Billy. On July 7, 1946, Carter married Eleanor Rosalynn Smith. She was his sister Ruths best friend. Together they had three sons and one daughter. His daughter, Amy, was a child while Carter was in the White House. Military Service: Carter joined the navy from 1946-53. He began as an ensign. He attended submarine school and was stationed aboard the submarine Pomfret. He was then placed in 1950 on an anti-sub submarine. He then went on to study nuclear physics and was chosen to serve as an engineering officer on one of the first atomic submarines. He resigned from the navy in 1953 upon the death of his father. Career Before the Presidency: After leaving the military in 1953, he returned to Plains, Georgia to help on the farm upon his fathers death. He expanded the peanut business to the point of making him very wealthy. Carter served in the Georgia State Senate from 1963-67. In 1971, Carter became the governor of Georgia. In 1976, he was the dark horse candidate for president. The campaign centered around Fords pardon of Nixon. Carter won by a narrow margin with 50% of the vote and 297 out of 538 electoral votes. Becoming the President: Carter declared his candidacy for the 1976 Democratic presidential nomination in 1974. He ran with the idea of restoring trust after the debacle of Watergate. He was opposed by Republican President Gerald Ford. The vote was very close with Carter winning 50% of the popular vote and 297 out of 538 electoral votes. Events and Accomplishments of Jimmy Carters Presidency: On Carters first day in office, he issued a pardon for all those who dodged the draft in the Vietnam War era. He did not pardon deserters, however. Nonetheless, his actions were offensive to many veterans. Energy was a huge issue during Carters administration. With the Three Mile Island incident, stricter regulations on Nuclear Energy plants were required. Further, the Department of Energy was created. Much of Carters time as president was spent dealing with diplomatic issues. In 1978, President Carter invited Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin to Camp David for peace talks. This led to a formal peace treaty in 1979. In 1979, diplomatic relations were formally established between China and the U.S. On November 4, 1979, the U.S. embassy in Tehran, Iran was seized and 60 Americans were taken hostage. 52 of the hostages were held for more than a year. Carter suspended oil imports from Iran and the UN Security Council called for the release of the hostages. He imposed economic sanctions. He also attempted in 1980 to rescue the hostages. However, three helicopters malfunctioned and they were unable to follow through with the rescue. Eventually, the Ayatollah Khomeini agreed to release the hostages in exchange for unfreezing Iranian assets in the U.S. They were not released, however, until Reagan was president. The hostage crisis was part of the reason that Carter did not win reelection. Post-Presidential Period: Carter left the presidency on January 20, 1981 after losing to Ronald Reagan. He retired to Plains, Georgia. He became an important figure in Habitat for Humanity. Carter has been involved in diplomatic endeavors including helping forge an agreement with North Korea. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002. Historical Significance: Carter was president at a time when energy issues came to the forefront. During his time, the Department of Energy was created. Further, the Three Mile Island incident showed possible problems inherent in relying on nuclear energy. Carter is also important for his part in the Middle East peace process with the Camp David Accords in 1972.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Tina Webber Essays - Culture, Language, Language Acquisition
Tina Webber Essays - Culture, Language, Language Acquisition Tina Webber Professor Clancy English 122 13 October , 2016 Mother Tongue Amy Tan I think the main point Amy Tan is trying to make in "A Mother's Tongue" is that words are more than just words. S ometimes you have to look behind them and read in between to understand the true meaning. For example, her mother did not speak perfect English, but the points and ideas she was trying to get across are what really were important. Not all people who speak the English language speak it the same way. A language can be subdivided into any number of dialects which each vary in some way from the parent English language. Mother Tongue, is an article based on the power of language. W ithout standard language skills, one is identified as an outsider, often wrongly perceived and unfairly discriminated against. After reading Mother Tongue, my belief of not judging or putting someone down because of the way they speak is stronger than ever. I am reminded of those times , growing up, when others would say something bad about my friends just because they couldn't express their thoughts and feelings due to their limited language skills. I had many foreign born friends growing up, and I became their interpreter at times, as I understood the words they were trying to say when others did not. Using simple English; the author wants to share a message with those who don't speak the language well, the message being "their point of view is still important". Identification with and acceptance in a community is not the only result of language acquisition. Chiefly, she distinguishes between the simple form of English she speaks with her family and the more complex version of the language she uses in her personal life. "You should know that my mother' s expressive command of English belies how much she actually understands. She reads the Forbes report, listens to Wall Street Week, converses daily with her stockbroker, reads Shirley MacLaine' s book s with easeall kinds of things I can't begin to understand. " Though there was a time when Tan was embarrassed by her mother's English, she now sees things from a different perspective. She writes, "my mother's English is perfectly clear. It's my mother tongue. Her language, as I hear it, is vivid, direct, full of observation and imagery. That was the language that helped shape the way I saw things, expressed things, made sense of the world" (Tan, 21). It is also clear that Tan's own mother helped her understand English in a different, unique way, and that is the language she uses today. Blocking out the critics, she knew it was important when her mother approved her book by saying "So easy to read" Language is many things: the arrangement of words in a particular order, uttered in a certain way, denoting a certain meaning; it is a political instrument which evokes images and motion. At its most fundamental, however, language is quite simply the expression of self and the ability to share that expression with others. The language that she once perceived as inferior, sub-standard, or broken, she now views as intimate, special, and representative of her mother's beautiful and insightful expression of herself and view of the world, which Mrs. Tan, in turn, taught her da ughter. Her point is well taken. Do we not all speak our own different English's, calling upon them as the occasion and audience direct? Certainly, the language I call upon in a meeting with the president of the company I work for differs from the language that I use with my colleagues, which is different from the language I speak with my friends or family, which differs from the language I use with my nephews. It may be a matter of word choice or intonation or slang or content or purpose, but each is a different part of myself and my world. The learning of one's mother tongue will provide an individual the right to study their culture and will also preserve family bonds and lessen cultural conflicts between generations. In the short story, "Mother Tongue", Amy Tan takes apart the different ways English is used
Sunday, October 20, 2019
13 Electric Vehicle Conversion Companies
13 Electric Vehicle Conversion Companies Fuel is expensive, but one way to eliminate stops at the pricey pump is to go electric. An electric vehicle (EV) conversion is a procedure that involves modifying a petroleum fuel-powered vehicle into an all-electric vehicle. If your commuting needs and lifestyle are such that you can go electric with one or more of your vehicles, here’s a list of companies to get you started. Depending upon where you’re located, there may or may not be one of these companies within a reasonable distance. If youre not within driving distance, choose a company on this list that will sell you the parts for a DIY conversion, or hire a reliable mechanic to do the hard work for you. Companies That Offer DIY Conversion Kits Canadian Electric Vehicles Ltd. CEV was established in 1991 to convert internal combustion engine vehicles to electric power- including heavy-duty diesel truck conversions for the airline industry. In addition to selling conversion kits for many vehicles, they offer components for modifications and offer custom-build options. Their customers include governments, industrial companies, and private individuals. Conversion Companies Clean Ride Electric Vehicles Located in Minnesota, this company restores and electrifies classic VW beetles from top to bottom. They replace the internal combustion engine and fuel system with an electric motor and 6 12-volt lead acid batteries and upgrade standard components. These all-electric VWs offer a 20- to 30-mile range with a top speed of 50 Located in West Palm Beach, Florida, and Los Angeles, CA, this company can convert any vehicle to all-electric power but specializes in Porsche sports car conversions due to their dependability, lightweight design, and engineering. They offer a wide variety of battery, range and model configurations to meet driving styles and needs. Speeds for their EVs: 0-60 in about 5 seconds or even faster with 2 motors and series to parallel switching.Eco-conversions This company specializes in converting regular gas burning cars into clean electric machines- they have zeroed in on luxury vehicles with their benchmark, the BMW 8-Series, aiming to â€Å"shatter the image of the traditional electric car.†They recently partnered with eVionyx, an American company that has developed superior charging nickel-zinc batteries. Electric Vehicle Systems – Based in New Underwood, SD, this company offers complete repair services for all-electric vehicles, using the latest technology. According to their website, most repairs of a two-wheel electric scooters run $45. Call them to learn more.Electro Automotive – Located in Felton, CA, Electro Automotive was founded in 1979 as a single source for quality conversion components. According to their website, Electro Automotive â€Å"believes in electric vehicles built to live in the real world.†They are all about EVs that are simple in design, easy-to-use, reliable, affordable and practical.Electric Vehicles of America (EVA) - EVA provides free detailed calculations for specific all-electric applications, from industrial, on-road electric car or truck, off-road EV or boat. They also offer free technical papers on safety, batteries and conversion details, in addition to system design, supplier data and drawings, installation manuals and videos. Lo cated in New Hampshire.EV-Blue/Electric Blue – Based in Kansas, this company will convert any gasoline burner to electric- you supply the vehicle, they do the conversion. Their basic option includes a 144V battery and charger for $11,000. AC, heat and power steering are extra. Call or email for additional details. EV Source LLC - Located in Logan, UT, this company provides high-quality electric vehicle components to the high performance, high voltage EV conversion market. From speed controllers, fuses and breakers to assembling your own conversion kit, they know how to help you go all-electric.Green Motors Inc. - Based in northern Arizona, Green Motors converts standard vehicles to electric power, in addition to servicing, maintaining and refurbishing all types of electric vehicles. They offer service support for the DIYer, plus sales of parts. Visit their products page for a current list of available vehicles.Metric Mind Corporation - Based in Oregon, Metric Mind Engineering (MME) is an international company that supplies high end AC drive systems and other EV components. According to their website, MME is a single source of all the main electronic hardware necessary to complete an EV conversion.†REVOLT Custom Electric Vehicles LLC - This company provides design, building and m aintenance services for electrical vehicle conversions in the Austin, TX area. Wilderness Electric Vehicles - Located in Utah, this company specializes in electric car conversions. You supply the vehicle- they provide the conversion in 3 to 4 months. They also offer a variety of kits to convert to electric. Call or email for additional details.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Use risk perception and risk communication perspective to evaluate the Essay
Use risk perception and risk communication perspective to evaluate the disaster management policy-making process - Essay Example Use risk perception and risk communication perspective to evaluate the disaster management policy-making process The earth has been found to be the only life-supporting planet for now. At least even if humans can live on other planets, it is the earth we all live on now.So if we are talking about keeping the earth intact and productive, then we should be thinking of ways of reducing; if not stopping disasters from occurring. The Assam Government Disaster Management Policy (2010) explains that â€Å"disaster is a sudden, calamitous event bringing great damage, loss, and destruction and devastation to life and property.†Sadly, the source continues to note that â€Å"the damage caused by disasters is immeasurable and varies with the geographical location, climate and the type of the earth surface/degree of vulnerability.†This explanation alone reechoes a very scaring situation whereby the fight against disaster must be embraced with all seriousness and urgency. Speaking of the need to fight disasters, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Disaster Man agement is quoted in World Confederation of Physical Therapy (2011) as pointing to disaster management as the most effective way of fighting disaster; explaining that â€Å"disaster management is the organization and management of resources and responsibilities for dealing with all humanitarian aspects of emergencies, in particular preparedness, response and recovery in order to lessen the impact of disasters.†... At the evaluation stage of policy making, policy makers are offered the opportunity to critically scrutinize the feasibility, achievability, effectiveness and usefulness of any given policy. Having noted this, it is important to appreciate the fact that for disaster management evaluation to go on successfully without any setbacks, there are a number of factors that need to be put in place and a number of mechanisms that need to be used by facilitators. Two of these factors and mechanisms are risk perception and risk communication perspective. These two elements come in best when utilized will ensure that the eventual implementation of disaster management policies achieve their needed results. To this end, this essay seeks to explore the use of risk perception and risk communication perspective to evaluate a given disaster management policy-making process. Literature Review Overview of disaster management policy making process and its importance Policy making process takes place day i n and out in different quarters of organizational set ups. Even at the national level, there are several policy making processes that take place day in and out. Policy making processes are necessitated when the need to have policies in place arise. Sycamnias (2008) states that â€Å"according to a dictionary definition, policy is "any course of action followed primarily because it is expedient or advantages in a material sense."†Without any question, disaster management is such an important phenomenon that it needs a whole policy formulation to get it underway. As part of the importance of taking disaster management through the policy making process, taking disaster
Bio-statistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Bio-statistics - Essay Example It can be either additive or subtractive. In case of additive procedure, the significant predictive variables are included in the regression model one after another. In case of subtractive approach all the expected variables are included in the model and then those which do not show statistically significant association with the predicted variable are dropped from the equation. In univariate analyses each variable is analysed separately for its statistics like mean, median, mode, standard deviation, range, skewness etc. Association on the other hand comes by looking at trend between two variables. If values of two variables show a tandem movement, then there exists significant association between the two variables. Though it looks very similar to correlation, it is completely different as in case of association, there may not be any causal relationship between two variables, which is there in case of correlation. What has been stated in the quoted sentence is that univariate analysis resulted in significant association between ‘allogeneic transfusion’ and ‘older age’; ‘allogeneic transfusion’ and ‘female sex’; ‘allogeneic transfusion’ and ‘hip procedure’ and so on. It means that instances of allogeneic transfusion were more in older people, females and so on. But it does not necessarily mean that this relationship was causal as well, it may be or may not be. g) ‘Revision hip’ was associated with the highest probability of transfusion as ‘Risk ratio’ is highest for this procedure. This means that those going for â€Å"Revision hip’ are at the greatest risk for allogeneic transfusion than those going for other procedures. h) The older person (aged 77) is at greater risk of requiring a transfusion after operation than the younger one. This comes from the fact that the multivariate regression model throws up risk ratio of 1.77 for those aged from 70 – 80 as compared to that of those aged below 70.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Procurement and Inventory Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
Procurement and Inventory Management - Essay Example Better working practices are never achieved because Sound Electric Limited lacks a clear policy document or procedures of operations which touches on contracting and purchasing.There is poor record keeping technique such that it is always hard for the company management employees to retrieve updated data along with more current entire company’s level of stock. It is also hard for the auditors to retrieve the same data a thing that will result in improper auditing thus creating room for theft in the company. The resultant effect is the failure in closely controlling the company’s working capital thus failing to monitor correctly the true business progress. The whole system lacks accountability due to the fact that stock control and purchasing performance are not very well monitored making the staff determine their own precedence thus unbalanced cost considerations a thing that can greatly contribute to the failure of the company. Invoices are settled without a delivery p roof or even a certification as to whether the items received are the actual quantities reflected in the invoice. The company has been greatly undermined by the suppliers who feel that Sound Electric Ltd has poor specifications. There is lack competition when it comes to purchasing, requires no confirmation as to the obligations met by the contractors, does not negotiate for the price reduction, the company’s contracts fail to have conditions attached and lacks important knowledge about the contractor’s financial capability.
Diversity in Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Diversity in Society - Essay Example This is evident from the legislative measures and Disabled Children Act 2000. According to Moss & Petrie, "Our construction of childhood and our images of the child represent ethical and political choices, made within larger frameworks of ideas, values and rationalities". (Moss & Petrie, 2002, p. 55) There is a need to ponder as to why such children suffers discrimination throughout their lives, what can be done morally and socially to detect the negative influences, how the outrageous behaviour can be avoided and what measures can be taken in order to accept them as a part and parcel of our society. We shall explore how the image, which we have created within our minds of the disabled child, can be changed and prolific while utilising the best of public policies and provisions for disabled children. According to Keogh's research, "we should look for subtypes of students with particular patterns of difficulty while examining social, cultural, and environmental explanations for these differences. If we are truly going to provide the most effective services for students and their families with special needs, it will only occur when we understand individual differences". (Bernheimer et al, 1999, p. 8) Developmental disabilities can affect individuals on a temporary or lifelong basis depending upon their capabilities or sometimes the positive utilization of those capabilities. Individuals (children) also move across the spectrum of disability or involvement in their lifetime, depending on several factors, which include the nature of the disability, developmental achievements, individual differences, rehabilitation services, and the environment in which they function and grow. Where individuals are in reference to the spectrum of their disability is an approach that social workers need to be adjusted to because individuals might need different services and support across the life span that vary in need and duration. This has implications for practice, programming, advocacy, and social policy. (Gitterman, 2001, p. 205) Like it is not necessary that every individual require the same kind of assistance and help from social workers, the requirement varies. Similarly the developmental disabilities that affect individuals and their families are not limited to particular ways, instead they affect individuals in different ways, ways that depend on the nature of the disability, ability level, coping and stress, individual differences, culture and belief systems, society's response to a specific condition, and attitudes and value system. (Gitterman, 2001, p. 205) Recent Services It is seen over the last few decades that individuals with developmental disabilities and their families have been profoundly affected by social, economic, philosophical, political, and scientific changes. These changes have included scientific discoveries about drug treatment and prevention of certain conditions, medical technologies to keep at-risk children alive, deinstitutionalisation of the disabled and mentally ill, cash benefits to the disabled and their families, physical and employment access to public places, public special education, legal protection of civil rights, and the rise of self-help movements for both the disabled and their families. (Gitterman, 2001, p. 206) The onus is on the shoulders of social welfare system to identify measures
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Brand Evaluation of Starbucks Coffee Assignment
Brand Evaluation of Starbucks Coffee - Assignment Example The major parts of coffee conceived a barricade to application, constraining get access to circulation passages for the use of exclusive agreements with food shop shops, but it was not so in the commerce specialty coffee, where the circulation was made mainly in retail shops belongs to by manufacturers of specialty coffee. These application obstacles more clear offer high or reduced obstacles to application into the specialty coffee commerce and force us to analyze the obstacles to application less transparent. Many cost benefits can be unaligned of scale and can be got by conceiving a place in the commerce at the beginning. They can be passed as first mover advantage. Some of these advantages arrive with a patented, so straightforward get access to raw components, favourable positions and the bend of teaching or experience. Introduction Today we are seeing a new era of coffee, one of Caffe Latte, macchiatos espresso, cappuccino and Frappuccinos. Specialty Coffee is here to stay, and no longer desire to notify you that what Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks, the market and conceive a brand synonymous with commitment, honesty and longevity. Main body Starbucks Brand Value The aim of Starbucks' should be established as the most identified and highly regarded in the world. To accomplish this aim, first Starbucks will extend to augment, grow, and grab market opportunities. The major assets of the business are, of course, espresso coffee, which encompasses beverages, tea, nourishment and beverages. Their goods are coffee does not aim on traditional-style coffee, but mostly freezing blended, baked coffee beans, coffee and liqueurs. They furthermore offer a kind of coffee combines in a kind of flavour and style. In supplement, beverages, Starbucks boasts a kind of nourishment for example sandwiches, salads, pastries and ice creams (Venkatraman Nelson 2008). Other choices offer Starbucks the farther use of earnings are accessories and gear for coffee lovers. Novelty pie ces for example cups, crystal, cyclic and vacation goods to supply buyers with Starbucks "a sense of brand loyalty. For those who desire to make the Starbucks know-how at dwelling, there are coffee appliances and grinders for sale. Part of the Starbucks know-how is befitting to depict and resting air with music. This melody is furthermore accessible for sale in its stores. Detail that they took such a gigantic capacity of procedures emphasizes this issue farther with the likelihood to purchase little enterprises and augment their enterprises at negligible cost. The biggest of their undertakings augment more leverage they have with the trading of their goods and services. Starbucks employees are employed to smaller incomes and share earnings for the barista as comparable to the industry. While Starbucks as its competitors on earnings and earnings, they did not capitalize on their workers, premier to inefficiency (Adamy 2008). These outcomes inefficiencies decreased clientele service and approval that Starbucks prides itself. Dissatisfied clients will finally halt buying Starbucks goods next the decrease of the company. When Starbucks started, personalized service is a priority. The reason was to buy a coffee an exclusive experience. However, in latest years with the fast expansion of outlets in latest years this concept has been lost.Â
Visual arts and film studies IP5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Visual arts and film studies IP5 - Essay Example These three art works have been taken from the Baroque, Renaissance and Enlightenment period – three different movements in history that greatly influenced the art and artists of their time. Gian Lorenzo Bernini and Ecstasy of St. Teresa The Ecstasy of St. Teresa is one of the greatest masterpieces that have been sculpted by the baroque artist, Gian Lorenzo Bernini. Bernini created this life-sized sculpture in white marble for the Cornaro Chapel in Rome under the commission of Venetian Cardinal Federico Cornaro. This sculpture depicts the scene from the autobiography of Teresa of Avila, a nun and reformer, when she was under the throes of religion ecstasy when the Angel sent by God pierced her heart with a pointed arrow. Done entirely in white marble, Bernini in this detailed sculpture has managed to achieve a variety of textures such as the fold of the Angel’s cloth, the texture of the clouds and the sculpted body of the Angel. Bernini has also added drama to the sc ulpture through the strategic placement of the art piece within the Chapel. The sculpture is placed in a niche where the sculpture is overcast with light falling from above in such a way that the sculpture appears private and secluded. The use of light and dark is typical of the Baroque technique of chiaroscuro (Strickland and Boswell, 2007). Bernini, himself was a devout Catholic and was the favored artist of Pope Barberini but following his accession of Innocent X, Bernini soon fell out of the favor of the new Pope. It was during this time that Bernini was approached by Cornaro and created this sculpture. However, the theme of religion is apparent in this sculpture also since Bernini attended mass regularly and was part of the movement known as Counter Reformation. Counter Reformation was a movement where the church and devout Catholics wants to bring back the passion for the Christ that Protestants had managed to attack furiously in their Reformation movement. This sculpture is t ypical of the Baroque period when most of the artwork was based on the theme of reviving the religious theme and their passion for the people. Baroque tended to favor the elaborate and the dramatic while also emphasizing on detail. The sculpture of St. Teresa is a perfect example of the Baroque period. Michelangelo and the Creation of Adam The Creation of Adam is a fresco created by Renaissance artist, Michelangelo. This fresco is located on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican, Rome and was commissioned by Pope Julius II. This fresco uses symbolic imagery as Michelangelo makes the pointing of the two fingers the focus of the fresco to depict the creation of Adam by God. The pointing of fingers illustrates God giving the breath of life to Adam. This fresco along with the rest of the frescos painted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel is adapted from the Book of Genesis and thus represents a religious theme. The use of bright colors and outlines make the ceiling more eye-cat ching and clearly visible. Michelangelo was reluctant to work on these frescos since his expertise was sculpture rather than frescos but these frescos marked Michelangelo as one of the best artists in the history of art. While fresco was not the forte of the great artist, elements within the fresco brand these fresco as the work of Michelangelo, such as the use of nude males that were characteristic of the great artis
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Brand Evaluation of Starbucks Coffee Assignment
Brand Evaluation of Starbucks Coffee - Assignment Example The major parts of coffee conceived a barricade to application, constraining get access to circulation passages for the use of exclusive agreements with food shop shops, but it was not so in the commerce specialty coffee, where the circulation was made mainly in retail shops belongs to by manufacturers of specialty coffee. These application obstacles more clear offer high or reduced obstacles to application into the specialty coffee commerce and force us to analyze the obstacles to application less transparent. Many cost benefits can be unaligned of scale and can be got by conceiving a place in the commerce at the beginning. They can be passed as first mover advantage. Some of these advantages arrive with a patented, so straightforward get access to raw components, favourable positions and the bend of teaching or experience. Introduction Today we are seeing a new era of coffee, one of Caffe Latte, macchiatos espresso, cappuccino and Frappuccinos. Specialty Coffee is here to stay, and no longer desire to notify you that what Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks, the market and conceive a brand synonymous with commitment, honesty and longevity. Main body Starbucks Brand Value The aim of Starbucks' should be established as the most identified and highly regarded in the world. To accomplish this aim, first Starbucks will extend to augment, grow, and grab market opportunities. The major assets of the business are, of course, espresso coffee, which encompasses beverages, tea, nourishment and beverages. Their goods are coffee does not aim on traditional-style coffee, but mostly freezing blended, baked coffee beans, coffee and liqueurs. They furthermore offer a kind of coffee combines in a kind of flavour and style. In supplement, beverages, Starbucks boasts a kind of nourishment for example sandwiches, salads, pastries and ice creams (Venkatraman Nelson 2008). Other choices offer Starbucks the farther use of earnings are accessories and gear for coffee lovers. Novelty pie ces for example cups, crystal, cyclic and vacation goods to supply buyers with Starbucks "a sense of brand loyalty. For those who desire to make the Starbucks know-how at dwelling, there are coffee appliances and grinders for sale. Part of the Starbucks know-how is befitting to depict and resting air with music. This melody is furthermore accessible for sale in its stores. Detail that they took such a gigantic capacity of procedures emphasizes this issue farther with the likelihood to purchase little enterprises and augment their enterprises at negligible cost. The biggest of their undertakings augment more leverage they have with the trading of their goods and services. Starbucks employees are employed to smaller incomes and share earnings for the barista as comparable to the industry. While Starbucks as its competitors on earnings and earnings, they did not capitalize on their workers, premier to inefficiency (Adamy 2008). These outcomes inefficiencies decreased clientele service and approval that Starbucks prides itself. Dissatisfied clients will finally halt buying Starbucks goods next the decrease of the company. When Starbucks started, personalized service is a priority. The reason was to buy a coffee an exclusive experience. However, in latest years with the fast expansion of outlets in latest years this concept has been lost.Â
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Final Project- Step Two Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Final Project- Step Two - Assignment Example A good example is the use of a well labeled diagram to explain the internal working structure of the human ear in a biology class. This is more effective than the verbal version of the same information. This shows that visual representation of information is more effective due to the fact that more senses of an individual are involved when information is passed using visuals (Dartmouth, 2010). This message is very important and everyone should be able to know that the use of visuals in learning and other processes of information sharing are more effective. However, this message is specially intended for various educators. Teachers and other educators have a special and vital role of passing information to the students. It is therefore very important that they realize the value of visuals in passing on the knowledge that they have to their students. Teachers responsible for students in their early stages of education are encouraged to use a lot of visuals as this helps in developing t he senses of the child and make them understand things much better. Students to should read and understand this message. They need o realize that when reading, using visuals to read and understand a particular subject is much practical and easier as compared to the theoretical use of words without any visuals (Dartmouth, 2010). ... The main tone that I want this project to achieve is the active tone. This is a very professional tone that clearly brings out the value of a message to the audience. This therefore means that the language to be used has to be active and passive only in relevant places. I will use various visuals to support my message by involving many of them in the learning process and weighing out the most effective method between the use of visuals and other instances when visuals are not used. This is done by examining different intermediate students by using words and visuals. After this, the results are compared to confirm whether the visual techniques are most effective. I will bring in diagrams that are relevant to the topic of discussions and ask people to weigh out the most effective method that brings out the message clearly (Dartmouth, 2010). Visuals will therefore have an important role in the passing of the message. The main platform that I intend to use to communicate my message is Mi crosoft power point. As the name suggest, Microsoft power point is a very important tool in learning. With this application, one is able to embedded visuals, music and even words. It is therefore an effective way of bringing in the visuals into a real life scenario. This application not only involves the students in words but also uses visuals to accompany this message. It is for this reason that the students get engaged in the activity. Since this is a visuals message, power point is even more effective. Practically, power point is refreshing and breaks down the monopoly of boring classes due to the presence of visuals that are used in the application. The points are also short and direct and as a result ensure that the message is passed within a short time and I an efficient
Monday, October 14, 2019
Reaction about helen of troy Essay Example for Free
Reaction about helen of troy Essay This culture of this story is extremely different than the culture of today. The characters in this story are outrageous. For one thing, the majority of the characters are Greek gods and goddesses. Greek mythology was very popular 3200 years a go, however presently it’s primarily a thing of the past and these gods don’t show up too frequently in modern day literature. The closest things we have to Greek goddesses in entertainment today are the Kardashians. Also, as far as I can remember, no magic apples have ever flown in and disrupted any of the weddings I’ve been to. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but it seems as though there was an abundance of magical fruits and enchanted vegetables in the time of Helen of Troy. This is something we seem to be lacking in our modern day culture. One thing I did find relevant to our modern culture is the way that the three goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite reacted upon hearing that whoever had possession of the apple would be the, â€Å"Fairest of them all†. It seems that today, a lot of girls will do anything to be the most beautiful. Something is not right in our heads, and we know it. For this reason, it didn’t surprise me when they each offered such high bribes so that Paris would choose them to receive this over-glorified apple.This culture of this story is extremely different than the culture of today. The characters in this story are outrageous. For one thing, the majority of the characters are Greek gods and goddesses. Greek mythology was very popular 3200 years a go, however presently it’s primarily a thing of the past and these gods don’t show up too frequently in modern day literature. The closest things we have to Greek goddesses in entertainment today are the Kardashians. Also, as far as I can remember, no magic apples have ever flown in and disrupted any of the weddings I’ve been to. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but it seems as though there was an abundance of magical fruits and enchanted vegetables in the time of Helen of Troy. This is something we seem to be lacking in our modern day culture. One thing I did find relevant to our modern culture is the way that the three goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite reacted upon hearing that whoever had possession of the apple would be the, â€Å"Fairest of them all†. It seems that tod ay, a lot of girls will do anything to be the most beautiful. Something is not right in our heads, and we know it. For this reason, it didn’t surprise me when they each offered such high bribes so that Paris would choose them to receive this over-glorified apple.This culture of this story is extremely different than the culture of today. The characters in this story are outrageous. For one thing, the majority of the characters are Greek gods and goddesses. Greek mythology was very popular 3200 years a go, however presently it’s primarily a thing of the past and these gods don’t show up too frequently in modern day literature. The closest things we have to Greek goddesses in entertainment today are the Kardashians. Also, as far as I can remember, no magic apples have ever flown in and disrupted any of the weddings I’ve been to. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but it seems as though there was an abundance of magical fruits and enchanted vegetables in the time of Helen of Troy. This is something we seem to be lacking in our modern day culture. One thing I did find relevant to our modern culture is the way that the three goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite reacted upon hearing that whoever had possession of the apple would be the, â€Å"Fairest of them all†. It seems that today, a lot of girls will do anything to be the most beautiful. Something is not right in our heads, and we know it. For this reason, it didn’t surprise me when they each offered such high bribes so that Paris would choose them to receive this over-glorified apple.This culture of this story is extremely different than the culture of today. The characters in this story are outrageous. For one thing, the majority of the characters are Greek gods and goddesses. Greek mythology was very popular 3200 years a go, however presently it’s primarily a thing of the past and these gods don’t show up too frequently in modern day literature. The closest things we have to Greek goddesses in entertainment today are the Kardashians. Also, as far as I can remember, no magic apples have ever flown in and disrupted any of the weddings I’ve been to. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but it seems as though there was an abundance of magical fruits and enchanted vegetables in the time of Helen of Troy. This is something we seem to be lacking in our modern day culture. One thing I did find relevant to our modern culture is the way that the three goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite reacted upon hearing that whoever had possession of the apple would be the, â€Å"Fairest of them all†. It seems that today, a lot of girls will do anything to be the most beautiful. Something is not right in our heads, and we know it. For this reason, it didn’t surprise me when they each offered such high bribes so that Paris would choose them to receive this over-glorified apple.This culture of this story is extremel y different than the culture of today. The characters in this story are outrageous. For one thing, the majority of the characters are Greek gods and goddesses. Greek mythology was very popular 3200 years a go, however presently it’s primarily a thing of the past and these gods don’t show up too frequently in modern day literature. The closest things we have to Greek goddesses in entertainment today are the Kardashians. Also, as far as I can remember, no magic apples have ever flown in and disrupted any of the weddings I’ve been to. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but it seems as though there was an abundance of magical fruits and enchanted vegetables in the time of Helen of Troy. This is something we seem to be lacking in our modern day culture. One thing I did find relevant to our modern culture is the way that the three goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite reacted upon hearing that whoever had possession of the apple would be the, â€Å"Fairest of them all†. It seems that today, a lot of girls will do anything to be the most beautiful. Something is not right in our heads, and we know it. For this reason, it didn’t surprise me when they each offered such high bribes so that Paris would choose them to receive this over-glorified apple.This culture of this story is extremely different than the culture of today. The characters in this story are outrageous. For one thing, the majority of the characters are Greek gods and goddesses. Greek mythology was very popular 3200 years a go, however presently it’s primarily a thing of the past and these gods don’t show up too frequently in modern day literature. The closest things we have to Greek goddesses in entertainment today are the Kardashians. Also, as far as I can remember, no magic apples have ever flown in and disrupted any of the weddings I’ve been to. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but it seems as though there was an abundance of magical fruits and enchanted vegetables in the time of Helen of Troy. This is something we seem to be lacking in our modern day culture. One thing I did find relevant to our modern culture is the way that the three goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite reacted upon hearing that whoever had possession of the apple would be the, â€Å"Fairest of them all†. It seems that today, a lot of girls will do anything to be the most beautiful. Something is not right in our heads, and we know it. For this reason, it didn’t surprise me when they each offered such high bribes so that Paris would choose them to receive this over-glorified apple.This culture of this story is extremely different than the culture of today. The characters in this story are outrageous. For one thing, the majority of the characters are Greek gods and goddesses. Greek mythology was very popular 3200 years a go, however presently it’s primarily a thing of the past and these gods don’t show up too frequently in modern day literature. The closest things we have to Greek goddesses in entertainment today are the Kardashians. Also, as far as I can remember, no magic apples have ever flown in and disrupted any of the weddings I’ve been to. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but it seems as though there was an abundance of magical fruits and enchanted vegetables in the time of Helen of Troy. This is something we seem to be lacking in our modern day culture. One thing I did find relevant to our modern culture is the way that the three goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite reacted upon hearing that whoever had possession of the apple would be the, â€Å"Fairest of them all†. It seems that today, a lot of girls will do anything to be the most beautiful. Something is not right in our heads, and we know it. For this reason, it didn’t surprise me when they each offered such high bribes so that Paris would choose them to receive this over-glorified apple.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Colobus Monkey :: essays papers
Colobus Monkey In Africa there are many types of animals, one of them is the Colobus Monkey. There are different types of Colobus Monkeys: there is the white Colobus, the red Colobus, and the olive Colobus. The Colobus Monkey is a long tailed tree living primate. The Colobus Monkey can be found all over Africa. The Monkey’s hair color varies from were the live. The Colobus Monkey is very unique. It comes in many types of color, is very active in social behavior and is very smart as shown in their lifestyle. The Colobus Monkey comes in many unique colors. The black and white Colobus is found across the equator of Africa. There are five species, among which the color varies from all black to a skunklike black and white pattern. Black and white Colobus monkeys weigh up to nine kg, or twenty pounds. They live in small social groups of about ten animals, that includes one adult male plus females and their offspring. The red Colobus Monkey is found across Africa from Zanzibar to Senegal. Their color is highly variable, ranging from a bright white and red in the monkeys of Eastern Africa to a dark gray and orange in Western African monkeys. They also weigh up to nine kg, or twenty pounds. Males are usually bigger than females. The red Colobus lives in large groups of up to one hundred individuals, including mostly males. It is a major prey of the chimpanzee in forest, where they both live. The olive Colobus is found in the forest of coastal West Africa. It is the most drably colored of the African Colobus Monkey, being a fairly uniform gray-brown. It weighs only ten pounds and lives in groups of six to eight individuals. After giving birth, the females sometimes carry their infants in their mouths. The red Colobus is a little bit smaller than the black and white group. The olive Colobus is the smallest of all at only four hundred fifty-mm. head and body length. â€Å"The Colobus Monkey doesn’t live in very many places. The Colobus Monkey lives in the tropical areas and forest. They are found in the tropical region of Africa.†( This backups information on where the primate is located.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Return of Depression Economics :: essays papers
The Return of Depression Economics From the many economy-related books available I read The Return of Depression Economics by Paul Krugman. This book was written during the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990’s. Many say that Krugman wrote this book much too quickly to be fully correct on every issue that he wrote about in this book. Krugman mainly focuses on financial crises of the 1990’s and mostly on the Asian financial crisis. This book was very interesting to read even though I did not fully understand every issue he covered. In this book Krugman laid out the basic fundamentals of global economy and the choices we had to get ourselves out of the Asian financial crisis. With the Asian financial crisis done and over with, many of Krugman’s thoughts and choices are now out-of-date. Even though there were an option at the time but now dated, they were interesting and I agreed on many of his points. Krugman believes that Mexico’s crisis was a three-act play with Mexico as act one , Asia as number two and us finishing off as act three. During the 1990’s there have been many currency crises around the world. For example, Britain and Sweden in 1992 to Mexico and Argentina in 1995 to East Asia's rim in 1997 to Brazil in 1998-1999. These crises are better known as financial â€Å"panics†. There are many different things that can trigger a financial crisis but I will explain Krugman’s classic example of the â€Å"panic†. International investors in New York, Frankfurt, London, and Tokyo are known as main investors. These main investors invest their huge amounts of money in countries that they think are doing well. From this â€Å"hunch†they flood their billions of dollars, about $70 billion into Asia, into a country’s economy. If they feel that they have made a poor financial investment they quickly pull their money out of the market at huge losses. These main investors cause a stampede of smaller investors to also pull their money out of the economy at sale prices. Th is causes a panic and seems to have a snowball effect. So in effect the country that once was flooded with billions of dollars is left off worse and soon is facing economic troubles. This panic has a tendency to effect surrounding countries.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Kiffe Kiffe Tomorrow
Kiffe Kiffe Tomorrow tells a very radical and lonely story of an Arabian that is faced with hard struggles in life. After her father left them for another woman, Doria’s world was crushed and she became pessimistic. But above all that pessimism lies a hope for a better life for her and her mother. After her father left them for another woman, Doria began to lose hope and became unhopeful. Since then many social workers were adamant to try and help them (Guene).The catalyst for Doria to have a very pessimistic view in life is the fact that her father left them in a slum for another woman back in their homeland. Moreover, the fact that her mother is illiterate and that they have to work many jobs just to satisfy their very needs added to the feeling of hopelessness that she felt. Since that kind of life dawned upon them, Doria has to face the truth about her life. Many psychologists began to offer their help to Doria but she seemed to move away from them. She does not appreciate their assistance or help.The efforts of the psychologists and social workers were not very helpful in changing young Doria’s outlook in life. When Madame Burlaud showed her pictures as attest, Doria thought that it was funny and described her actions as like in a dog.With this kind of reaction and analogy that Doria gave, it seems that she does not want help from any of them. It is just sad that she feels this way because personally, even though I have not met any social worker, I believe that they have the best interest for a person. Doria is very firm that they their attempts are just futile but, in reality, she really needs all the help in the world. Moreover, the fact that she does not have very good roles and influences around her shapes her points of view in life. Being strong is good but sometimes; admitting that we are weak is even a stronger deed.In my opinion, Doria will not have that good life that she dreams of if she continues to reject all the positive criticis ms and influences around her. Just like what is stated above, she needs a more positive outlook in life. Foremost, the social workers could have given them a more suitable place to live in because all these negative thoughts that is cooked up in her mind is an indirect product of her environment.She needs to first find a healthy environment for both of them. Afterwards, she should go to school to earn her degree so that she can find a good job. Doria and her mother will have a stronger and meaningful bond if she will just accept all the good offers that these caring people give.Regarding the reading assignment, the author has indeed a point when he stated that the minority ethnic groups in France refuse to be integrated in their culture (Hargreaves). Moreover, he stated that the bigger blame should be on the government’s â€Å"integration policies†for the country’s minority ethnic group (Hargreaves). The minority groups refuse to cooperate with the governme nt for many reasons and because of these, it became a reason for riots to occur all over the country.This fact is evident in the narration of Guene; wherein the protagonist from her book refuses to be â€Å"integrated†to the French system. This news is very racist and ethnocentric in nature. I believe that the French government has something good in stored for the ethnic minority groups in their country; but because of pride, nationalism and even religion, these groups refuses to act on it because they are all so proud of their roots.But I believe that peace can be attained from these conflicts if both parties will respect the decision of each other. Both parties can have a benefit from each one if they will able to make some very good policies that will benefit the larger portion of the groups. I believe that more than love, respect and understanding should be instilled for all the leaders of the minority ethnic groups and the politicians to attain a very good goal.Work Cit ed:Guene, Faiza. Kiffe Kiffe Tomorrow. Tra Edition ed: Harvest Books, 2006.Hargreaves, Alec G. â€Å"An Emperor with No Clothes?† (2005). January 22, 2008 .
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Interest Groups
Interest Groups: 15. 3. 2013 Globalization occurring at rapid speeds is having vast affects on the Canadian political system. The strong emergence and growing influence of interest groups, gained through institutionalization and immense monetary funding have proven to become a direct threat to political parties in the modern age. This essay will primarily discuss, â€Å"Pressure Groups: Talking Chameleons†written by Paul Pross.Following, the analysis of the article, â€Å"Wilderness Politics in BC: The Business Dominated State and the Containment of Environmentalism†written by Jeremy Wilson. And finally, discuss and evaluate the vital contents of both articles in relation to other academic sources. Paul Pross identifies that modern governments in Canada have problems communicating with the public sector. Public debate was originally controlled by the government, however in the early 1970’s policymaking became more of a public process.Governments could no longe r insist on withholding valuable information, and the public insisted on increased transparency. Electronic media has proven to be a large contributor in the sense that it has created an environment encouraging public participation and the notion of making groups less dependent on bureaucracies. This resulting in a diffusion of power, granting more influence to the public sector. Prior to the emergence of these interest groups, political parties were the main vehicle enabling citizens to channel their concerns mainly by elections and enabling communication to and from the government.Political parties alone would not suffice to account for the entire populations aggregated demands and thus governments continue to further support pressure groups to battle the constant problem of communication. Interest groups simply emerged as individuals acting together and attempting to influence public policy in the direction of their common interests. In some cases what originated as little organi zations has now emerged into influential contributors to the policy making process. This raising concern that the Canadian democratic system is threatened by these emerging interests groups.Pross emphasizes that unless interest groups have access to substantial resources, their influence will be insignificant in most cases. Another factor which causes for some interest groups to survive and other to fail in the political system is undergoing the process of institutionalization. Pross defines an institution as a sophisticated entity, in which members have structured relationships, and collectively attempt to achieve a common goal. As Philip Selznick says, â€Å"As the institutionalization progresses the enterprise†¦ becomes peculiarly competent to do a particular type of work. The process of constant adaptation, and establishing connections to the government officials is of immense value in order for an interest group to partake in the policy process. The sub government process es the policy issues, it consists mainly of government agencies however interest groups and large corporations are also included to a certain extent. The degree of inclusion is debatable however the interest groups are guaranteed â€Å"a seat on the table†and thus consult with the government on a daily basis.Ideally the interest groups gain influence in policy decision and thus for the benefit of the government can successfully accomplish the citizens aggregate demands. However as of 1993 party activists began to criticize the influence of interest groups since they were constantly winning concessions over political parties. There was a large amount of party antipathy coming mostly from the government itself in the sense reducing direct funding to interest groups, and limiting advertising groups during election periods.Kim Campell was a great contributor towards reducing the influence of interest groups, as she remarks, â€Å" Interest groups are no longer useful adjuncts t o the political system, but a direct competition rival to political parties. †The notion of interest groups superseding political parties, and serving as the main channel to communicate with the government had become true. In this globalized world, Pross identifies the challenge between interest groups and political parties as inevitable. He metaphorically describes interest groups as â€Å"talking chameleon†this explains the superiority of interest groups to a certain extent.Unlike political parties, interest groups and corporations, are not specifically interested in the occurrence of certain locations, they plant themselves in many places, furthermore they have the ability to draw funds from around the world. Another factor making the political party inferior is its longstanding values, territorial basis restricting it from expansion since political parties aim to accomplish control of legislative. Hence since the legislature is based on a territorial perimeter, th e rest of the political party body must follow in this direction.In contrast to some interest groups, political parties have not fully been able to achieve a system which incorporates the public into the policy making process. Pross questioned whether the fragmentation of the political parties endangers long-standing institutions, or if this merely is the politics of the new age. Canada has witnessed the emergence of a new public philosophy â€Å"pluralism†started taking the place of the previous representative parliamentary democracy. Pluralism emphasizes the collaboration between government and interest groups.Ideally members of private groups exchange ideas and negotiate with government civil servants. The second article written by Jeremy Wilson focuses on how the British Columbian governments responds in regard to the so called environmentalist movement starting 1975 to 1989. The timber and paper industry is of vast importance to the economy of British Columbia. Most of the timber is Crown owned, and distributed to companies under long contracts, these licenses are easily renewable. Hence environmentalist protest against this established hierarchy.They argue in favor of tenure alternations and demand more caution regarding the protection of British Colombia’s wildlife. Environmentalists demand the forest areas to be protected and transformed into parks however corporations claim this is unwise use of the land. The article Global Spin by Sharon Beder analyzes the notion of anti-environmentalism. As mentioned in Wilsons article Beder, â€Å"reveals the deceptive and unethical underpinnings of the â€Å"wise use†movement, industry front groups, contrarian think tanks, multinational public relation firms, and media establishments. regulations. As Wilsonhad mentioned, the interest groups were arguing against the single use of areas, as they promoted multiple use which further legitimized their corporate use of forrest areas. These concer ns are very problematic for the forest corporations as an alternation of the tenure regulations would directly alter the value of the commodity and thus damage the economy as a whole. Timber companies, began to heavily lobby against these proposed suggestions, using there extensive wealth to battle environmentalist’s claims.These forest corporations, have extensive resources, a continuing organizational structure consisting of established professionals familiar to the governmental processes to represent their aggregate demands. According to R. V. Smith â€Å"Forest tenures and timber supply and the commitments by which those tenures are held are the fundamental asset by which potential investors or lenders judge the viability of a company. †It became clear that the security of timber was the priority for forest corporations.Thus the conservative stance of forest corporations claimed that the environmentalists were putting at risk a â€Å"system that has long legitimi zed a profitable traffic in rights to Crown resources. †Hence as could be expected the corporations heavily campaigned against the emerging environmental movement by adopting a hardline attitude; one sign of retreat will automatically result in further demands. Environmentalist movement pursuing redistributive politics in British Columbia challenged the establishment.These new groups want a share of the pie which was a strictly closed community consisting of; â€Å"Ministry of Forests (MOF), cabinet committee having ultimate responsibility for resolving land use disputes and the 10 or 12 major forest companies that hold tenure rights to over 60% of BC’s forest lands. This challenge resulted in minor alternations and corporations are no longer unchallenged, however this is a prime example in parallel the previously mentioned quote by Selznick; â€Å"in order for pressure groups to carry out their functions they need to become peculiarly competent. The institutionalize d pressure groups have immense power which are difficult to challenge, especially in the Forest industry of British Columbia. Hence the challenges of the environmentalist were everything but a paradigm shift. It appears that policy makers are under sever constraints from policies adopted by previous governments. There are deep rooted problems beginning with the fact that the process concerning resource management being a closed matter to the public. Furthermore provincial legislators playing no role in decision-making process, thus the power is held in the hands of cabinet ministers and other officials.Environmentalists groups like the Western Canada Wilderness Committee began to adopt the approach of a â€Å"moral call out†appealing on an emotional level to the citizens’ regard the environment. In addition their arguments mainly suggested that tourism would decreases as lumbering prevails. Even though the citizens are now collectively assisting as a bureaucracy they have no virtual political power in the decision making process. Most of the environmentalist movements is funded out of members due, or paid individually. None of the groups considered in the article has sufficient funds to support media advertising campaigns, or maintain a full time lobbyist in Victoria. †Quite similar to the analysis of Pross, Wilson clearly defines that money plays a large role in the power dynamics between governments, corporations and environmentalists. Another key factor to note is that since the 1982 adoption of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, interest groups have resorted to utilizing the process of litigation. Litigation under the charter is now partially funded by the government, in programs such as the â€Å"Court Challenges Program. The answer is not as simple according to Paul Pross; In the optimal case interest groups offer access to the political decisions, which were originally, influenced by elites, hence establishing a new soci al order. However in 1992 there was a fair degree of constitutional discussion, questioning whether or not to fully include women Aboriginal groups and other minority groups into policy making process. At first many were for the groups inclusion, however others feared that the re-ordering of social power portrayed by the Charlottetown accord.The aboriginal women groups attempted to achieve redistribution of power and saw this as an opportunity to partake in the constitutional debate. Unfortunately people developed a radical bias which primarily associated fragmentation process to the attempts of this group, even though they were following the footsteps of more â€Å"established interest, †In fact the gross part of the debate is dominated by the institutionalized groups a majority of these specifically representing business interests.The political process has become very diffuse, it has become difficult to differentiate between individual and public interests, and there have been cases of interest groups especially corporations establishing themselves by institutionalizing and extensive lobbying, and are thus dominating in certain policy processes. A consensus is established than overall interest groups are an effective method of getting to the public, however some groups have extensively developed into structures, giving them superiority and priority over other interests.This in Canada has lead to a sharp decline of the political party and a increase of interest groups. Wilson in his article describes a sheer decrease in motivation of the environmentalist, since there continuous attempts had little affects on public policy. Furthermore the structuring of Wilderness politics has put nominated preservation candidates into the foreground placing environmentalists at a disadvantage. This structure ignored the environmentalists’ claims to a small portion of the remaining wilderness, and furthermore creates the illusion that they are greedy. We gave t hem South Moresby, now they want Stein. †In summary of both articles and additional sources, it can be said that main themes continue to re-occur. Initially interest groups were a great access tool for governments, to communicate with the public sector, however after the diffusion of powers in Canada, some interest groups have attained extensive powers. These groups have achieved this by undergoing the process of institutionalization at rapid speeds differentiating themselves in terms to influence compared to environmentalist groups for instance.The corporations are now so established and reluctant to give into any environmentalist’s demands. IN addition Interests groups typically establish ongoing relationships with the departments of government corresponding to their interest, this is also known as â€Å"elite accommodation†has become very common in Canadian politics. The only solution which remains for environmentalist groups is to rise and attain power by; developing a cohesive inter group structure, institutionalizing and possibly merging with other interest groups to broaden the monetary funding established through increased membership.Environmentalist can thus employ professional lawyers and other personal to lobby on their behalf. The future entails many possibilities; on one hand the environmentalists groups could successfully expand their influence to eventually restructuring forest land use policy and thus would demonstrate how interest groups are not necessarily monopolistic and how there is room at the table for new comers. However the problem of the economy remains; one could pose the question of how a decrease in the revue caused by enforced regulations by environmentalist would be compensated to British Columbia economy as a whole? â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- [ 1 ]. Paul Pross, Pressure Groups: Talking Chameleons. (Nelson, 1995): pp. 263s . [ 2 ]. Paul Pross, op cit. , pp. 263. [ 3 ]. Political demands of individual persons and corporations. [ 4 ]. Paul Pross, op cit. , pp. 252. [ 5 ]. Paul Pross, op cit. , pp. 257. [ 6 ]. Paul Pross, op cit. , pp. 259. [ 7 ]. Paul Pross, op cit. , pp. 260. [ 8 ]. Paul Pross, op cit. , pp. 264. [ 9 ]. Paul Pross, op cit. , pp. 265. [ 10 ]. Paul Pross, op cit. , pp. 69. [ 11 ]. Paul Pross, op cit. , pp. 269. [ 12 ]. Paul Pross, op cit. , pp. 270. [ 13 ]. Hugh H. Thorburn, Interest Groups and Polic Policy in Canada. (Queen's law journal. 1988) pp. 447. [ 14 ]. Jeremy Wilson, Wilderness Politics in BC. (Missisagua, Ontario, 1989): pp. 142. [ 15 ]. Jeremy Wilson, op cit. , pp. 143. [ 16 ]. Beder, Sharon. Global spin: the corporate assault on environmentalism. Alternatives Journal25. 4 (Fall 1999): pp. 42. [ 17 ]. Jeremy Wilson, op cit. , pp. 143. [ 18 ].Jeremy Wilson, op cit. , pp. 143. [ 19 ]. Paul Pross, op cit. , pp. 260. [ 20 ]. Jeremy Wilson, op cit. , pp. 147. [ 21 ]. Jeremy Wilson , op cit. , pp. 151. [ 22 ]. Morton – Allen. Feminisits and the Courts: Measuring success in Interest Group Litigation in Canada. (Canadian Journal of Political Science, 2001) pp. 55. [ 23 ]. Jeremy Wilson, op cit. , pp. 167. [ 24 ]. Jeremy Wilson, op cit. , pp. 167. [ 25 ]. Hugh H. Thorburn, Interest Groups and Polic Policy in Canada. (Queen's law journal. 1988) pp. 445.
Contemporary Religious Issues in Christianity Essay
Over time in various religions, there has been conflict. If not within one particular religion then there would be conflicting with each other. Christianity is a religion that most certainly has this issue. With many struggles in religion that people are face with today that would assists in the division of our human population, some religions still share some of the same beliefs. Though all religions are vastly different, the overall belief is geared to praise and worship God. Two religions that will be discussed in this paper that conflict with Christianity are Judaism and Islam. In Judaism, besides cultural division within, most of their conflict is with modern society. In Islam, the Muslim community has a great political outlook that has been coupled with their religious beliefs and stereotyping has been more recently a trigger for conflict. In this paper we will discuss the contemporary issues within Christianity. We will review the historical connections and theological similarities with other religions such as Judaism and Islam. We will also take a look at Christian denominations and how they interact with Buddhism. Contemporary Issues within Christianity Christians have struggles between their own religion, and with other religions beliefs. Christian’s belief in One God, God of Love. We can find a message in the passages of the Bible; in Genesis, a foundation about God’s creation. The concepts: stewardship and creativity, God blessed them; and God gave them this message, â€Å"Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky, and over every living thing that moves on the earth. Bible) 2012 â€Å". The Love of God gets lost in our daily living style because the temptation, we sin and man abused God’s stewardship, and we don’t follow what God is teaching us to do. Christianity and other religions in this new way of living, we all are challenge to face an inevitable change. Social and new technology is responsible for new changes. We ask ourselves, what about religion in the future. Influences, crisis, economy are slowly changing the conservative religion to their surrounding of cultures. This changes are giving new choices to each one of us, and some choices are giving us ethical and cultural choices that force us to examine ourselves in our most basic philosophical believes. Christians and other religions are facing some areas that may raise ethical and religion beliefs. How Christian must respond to such conditions? How can we live with this society and culture that surrounds us? â€Å"Christ of Culture†perspective is exactly the opposite of â€Å"Christ against Culture†This way of living brings culture and Christianity together. God is giving us life – Why humans want to decide to take away our own lives or others. Where is our belief and trust, or mainly where is our Faith in God. Why we want to take control. If God give us life; we must belief and have trust that he has a plan in our lives. Ethical termination of adult life. Do individuals have the right to end their own lives or the lives or their loved ones? Even with major circumstances, do we get the control; where is our faith and believe that God does the impossible. Christianity questions about today is questioning about euthanasia. Passive or Active). Passive allowing the person to die by discontinuing their treatments and active is taking some positive step to terminate the person life by toxic substance or the injection of an air bubble into the blood stream. Euthanasia is the act of putting the death of a person which their illness in not curable but is violating the six commandment†Thou shalt not kill (Murder). Such consent does not relieve the killer of guilt for the sin of murder. Euthanasia is an instance of murder, which is a categorically forbidden in scripture. Exodus 20:13 (Bakers, 1973), pp. 222 F. This society is giving us the opportunity to take control in our own hands; new technology is changing tremendously our beliefs and if we don’t wake up. This society will be out of control. Historical Connections and Theological Similarities with Other Religions The main historical connection between Judaism and Christianity is the fact that Christianity is a product of Judaism. This happened around the first century C. E. when Christianity was spreading rapidly throughout Europe. Besides Christianity forming out of Judaism, it has a connection through Jesus Christ, as we all know Jesus was a Jew. In fact for most of his life Jesus practice the Judaist faith and even celebrated Jewish holidays. Some of these holidays even became the basis for some of Christianity’s holidays, such as Easter which is based on the Jewish holiday â€Å"Passover†. Despite the fact that Christianity was a result of Judaism, Christians tended to have more freedom than Jews, while the latter was often persecuted for practicing their religion. Christianity has a connection to Israel that is almost as strong as Judaism. Nazareth which is based in Israel is considered the birthplace of Jesus, as well the birthplace of the Jewish Christian Church, however after the destruction of the church’s temple in 70C. E it seems that the church gradually faded into existence. While there may be some differences in how each religion worships and celebrates their religions. They both emphasize people being kind towards one another, believing in one God, and just being an overall good human being. The Christian and Islamic faith do share some of the same beliefs though their religions are vastly different. They both believe that there is one God and that God created the planet and mankind. They to both agree that God is the way of morality and the way or path of justice. It is also believed between the two religions that overall judgment of life is decided after life by heaven or hell. The fundamentalists Muslims and Christians also believe in pollutants such as porn and licentious helps destroy a community or society. There is a huge negative emotion in the western civilization in Islamic countries which explains the reasons of influences that evolve from out west. Of course there are obvious differences between both Christianity and Islam that will forever be unsettled. In these religions, pivotal doctrines are the points in which Christianity and Islam disagree. The overall tone of both beliefs are peaceful, caring, and loving human beings. The Muslim religion has points of emphasis on being peaceful, for instance; In Islam, the Muslims look to Sura 22:56 who say when speaking of religion there’s no compulsion. Though many in the world of Islam would believe that no compulsion means inside their religious world there is no competition amongst religion. Sura 29:46 says do not have a quarrel with outside religions but only if there is wrong doing. However, Sura 41:34 say to be make nice with the person doing wrong by doing good things for that person. Almost similar is the bible which has its parts of conflict with violence mostly from the Old Testament. It contests that a Canaanite society is infested with evil doings especially child sacrifice. God sent Israelites to enforce against the particular injustice and further on did the same against the Israelites. Situations like this within the scriptures of the bible are specifically minimal in circumstances during this time all implemented by God. But as the Quran would suggest, their religion puts this type of command in any time, place, and against any people or religion. Christian Denominations In religion, there is a power struggle to keep itself together. The ten commandments were clear on this issue. â€Å" Thou shall not worship false idols†, (â€Å"Ten Commandments†, 2002-2011). But there are seven billion people on this planet. Chances are that at least one of those seven billion people would want to worship another idol. From this idea, they would separate from their original church and form their own church. Worshiping whomever they found fit to be the one who deserved to be worshiped. As a matter of fact, this has happened many times in the history of Christianity and Judaism. Why are there so many Christian denominations? Well first we would have to differentiate between the non-Christian cults, and the false religions. Christian denominations are Lutherans, as well as Presbyterians. Then there are Jehovah’s witnesses and the Mormon religion, are examples of such cults. But islam and buddism are separate religions all together. Trials such as the protestant reformation gave rise within the Christian church to denominations. A movement to reform the roman catholic church that took place during the 16th century. Out of this event, four major division of traditional Protestantism emerged. These four were Lutheran, reformed, Anglican, and Anabaptist. But many more denominations would grow over the coming centuries. The denomination Lutheran was named after Martin Luther. This is based off of his teachings. Methodist was named from its founder, John Wesley. John Wesley was famous for coming up with methods for spiritual growth. Presbyterianism is named from their view on the churches leadership, and finally, Baptists. They got the name from the importants of the baptism ceremony. But not all the other denominations believe in baptism. So each one has a slightly different doctrine. Another is the availability of the lords supper to all. Or at least those who’s testimonies could be verified by the church leaders. Looking at why they have divisions, it seems clear that its not about Christ as the lord and savior. But it seems rather the differences of opinion by godly, flawed evidence, people seeking god. Seeking to retain doctrinal purity of what is their understanding of his word. Looking at today, denominations are many and vary wildly. The denominations have spawned numerous styles such as Nazarenes, Christian and Missionary Alliance, Evangelical Free, Assemblies of God, ect. Some styles of denomination, emphasizes very little doctrinal differences. But more often, they simply offer different styles of worship. Fitting the differences of Christians. This is the cause for so many forms of Christianity. Conclusion In this paper we have gone over the contemporary issues within Christianity. We have reviewed the historical connections and theological similarities with other religions such as Judaism and Islam. We have also taken a look at Christian denominations and how they interact with Buddhism. In our research we have found that Christianity and other religions in this new way of living, we all are challenge to face an inevitable change. Social and new technology is responsible for new changes. In these religions, pivotal doctrines are the points in which Christianity and Islam disagree. Christianity has a connection to Israel that is almost as strong as Judaism. Some styles of denomination, emphasizes very little doctrinal differences. But more often, they simply offer different styles of worship.
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